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What happens when you sign up with Fox & Hare?

The Fox & Hare advice journey is designed to help you define and plan for a life of freedom, choice and flexibility. A life that you love.

Scroll down to see the roadmap of your journey to get there.

Discovery call

Book in a free, 45 minute, no pressure consultation where we discuss your financial frustrations and greatest aspirations.

Goals & Values Session

Your first session with a financial adviser! In this session you'll determine what’s important to you and what you’ll be working towards. This is where you draw the blueprint for your ideal life.

Numbers workshop

You've drawn up the blueprint for your ideal life. In the numbers workshop you'll find out how long it's going to take and what it'll cost to get there. In this session you will work with your financial adviser to align your financial world with the real one.

Receive initial strategy

Things are starting to heat up. Your initial strategy is version one of the roadmap to financial freedom. You'll review the strategy with your adviser and work together to refine your journey until its perfect. Membership fees start once the initial strategy is presented.

Ongoing coaching

Life and money are not set and forget. People change, goals change and life throws us (sometimes serious) curveballs. Fox & Hare membership includes ongoing support and coaching for just those situations. Unlike many of our competitors, we don't handball you a strategy then leave you high and dry. We'll implement everything we can and stick by your side for as long as you need us. Never feel lost, alone or locked out again!

Our programs are designed to help you live the life you aspire to

Whether you're an early career professional looking to open your first investment account, an established business owner attempting to juggle private school fees and a second mortgage or somewhere in between, we have a program that's right for you.

Get Sorted

Essential financial game plan to build and grow your wealth

Creating the Plan
  • Cashflow & debt structuring
  • Investments advice – property/shares
  • Tax minimisation
  • Superannuation & insurance
  • Personal advice & financial forecasting
Ongoing Support
  • Annual progress meeting
  • Quarterly goal tracking

Like a Boss

Comprehensive program for financial freedom, flexibility and choice

Creating the Plan
  • Everything in ‘Get Sorted’ PLUS
  • Review existing investment strategy
  • Employee Share Schemes
  • Advice on growing disposable income
Ongoing Support
  • Progress meeting every 12-16 weeks
  • Monthly goal tracking

World Domination

Our most powerful financial program for advanced control and flexibility

Creating the Plan
  • Everything in ‘Like a Boss’ PLUS
  • Self employed/business owners
  • Trusts & self-managed super funds
  • Exploration of more complex strategies
Ongoing Support
  • Progress meeting every 12-16 weeks
  • Monthly goal tracking

No commission on any investment advice. No lock-in contract, no minimum term, no termination fee. A portion of fees could be paid from super. Fees may be tax deductible. You may be entitled to a parental leave discount (up to 12 months).

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