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Frequently Asked Questions

It's likely you've never worked with or even considered working with a financial adviser before. Don't worry, you're not alone. These are the most common questions we're asked by others in your situation.

What does a Fox & Hare financial adviser do?

Our overarching goal is to prevent you from ever staring at your bank account and wondering where all the money went, again. Fox & Hare advisers take the guesswork out of financial freedom and help you put the plan in place to achieve your goals.

Some of the things they’ll do for you:

+ Act as your guide through the confusing world of finance. They translate complex financial jargon into easy-to-understand terms, so you’re not wasting time and effort deciphering confusing investment products or government policies. You’ll gain financial literacy and confidence. No more feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by financial decisions.

+ Provide a 100% personalised financial plan. We don’t believe that a one-size-fits-all approach gets the best results. Instead, your adviser will take the time to understand your unique financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. Based on this, they create a personalised financial plan, acting as a roadmap to your financial future.

You get a clear, actionable strategy tailored to your specific hopes and dreams. You’ll see exactly what steps you need to take to achieve financial freedom – and long term support to stay accountable.

+ Find the best products for your goals. Your adviser will not just tell you what needs to be done and leave you to it. You’ll have a team of five personal financial professionals scouring the marketplace to find the most effective investment, superannuation, and insurance products for your situation. Kiss analysis paralysis goodbye!

Our advisers will provide the clarity and direction you need to take charge of your financial future.

They’ll give you the knowledge, guidance, and personalised plan you need to achieve your financial goals with confidence.

Hit the yellow ‘Let’s Chat’ button below to book in a time and take the first step toward financial freedom!

Can I afford Fox & Hare's financial advice?

Our advice is a premium product with a very obvious financial upside – and our fees reflect that.

While we don’t have a one-size-fits-all answer to this question, the general guideline we use to determine whether we can deliver that upside is for a potential member to have a disposable income of around $2,000 per month.

If you can find $2000, after essential expenses, that can be saved, invested or otherwise redirected, you should be good to work with Fox & Hare.

As a rule of thumb, if you can afford to spend $2000 per month on any consumer goods, entertainment or other lifestyle spending you can afford Fox & Hare’s advice and all the benefits that come with it.

Remember, growing wealth is a marathon, not a sprint. With Fox & Hare by your side, you’ll gain the knowledge, tools, and personalised strategies to make smart financial decisions and watch your net worth flourish over time.

Here’s how:

+ Investment Strategies Tailored to You: Our advisors aren’t one-trick ponies. They’ll assess your risk tolerance and develop a personalised investment strategy that leverages various products to potentially grow your wealth.

This could include:

+ Stocks & ETFs: Owning a piece of thriving companies or accessing a basket of stocks through Exchange Traded Funds can be a powerful wealth-building tool. You’ll have the potential for significant long-term growth, historically exceeding returns from traditional savings accounts.

+ Superannuation Optimisation: We can help you understand your super options and ensure your super is working hard for your future. Superannuation offers significant tax advantages and employer contributions, making it a crucial tool for building wealth.

+ Managed Funds: For those seeking professional management, we can explore options that align with your goals and risk tolerance. Gain access to a diversified portfolio managed by experienced professionals, potentially reducing risk and increasing returns.

+ Debt Management Guidance: High-interest debt can be a major drag on your net worth. We’ll help you develop a plan to pay down debt efficiently, freeing up more money to invest and save. By eliminating high-interest debt, you free up significant capital to put towards wealth-building activities and accelerate your progress.

+ Planning for Growth: We’ll work with you to create a cashflow strategy that identifies areas to save and free up additional capital for wealth-building activities. A clear and achievable plan empowers you to make informed spending decisions, maximise your savings potential, and accelerate your wealth accumulation journey.

Hit the yellow ‘Let’s Chat’ button below to claim your free 45 minute discovery session with our Member Success Manager, Will.

He’ll help you determine whether you’re in a position to benefit from advice and, if you are, organise another free session to discuss next steps with one of our fully qualified financial advisers.

Why should I choose Fox & Hare over another adviser?

Unless you are a 20-45 year old who is currently residing in or intending to return to Australia you should not.

Many traditional financial advisors do a fantastic job, but they often only cater to an older, high net worth audience. They’re focused on helping pre and post retirees who have already built their wealth. Here at Fox & Hare we do the opposite. We work exclusively with those who are in the wealth accumulation phases of their life.

Here’s why, if you fit the bill, Fox & Hare will probably be a better fit for you:

+ Focus on Your Age & Life Stage: Traditional advisors might treat a 25-year-old saving for a house deposit the same way they handle a 60-year-old planning for retirement. This is not the case at Fox & Hare. We understand the specific hurdles young people face, from HECS debt to building an emergency fund. We tailor our advice to your current life stage and future goals, not a generic plan for all ages.

+ Accessibility & Affordability: Traditional financial planning can be expensive, with fees based on a percentage of your assets. This can be a barrier for young Australians just starting out as the fees are based on a percentage of your assets.

Fox & Hare’s easy to navigate subscription service ensures flat, easy to navigate fees, no lock in contracts, minimum terms or exit fees – making ongoing financial guidance and accountability accessible and value based.

If you don’t see value, you are free to leave.

+ Guiding You, Not Just Telling You: Some advisers might present you with a complex financial plan and leave you to navigate the implementation on your own.

We take a different approach. Our advisers and their team will act as your guide, explaining financial concepts, helping you make informed decisions, and adjusting your plan as your life evolves.

+ Modern & Tech-Enabled: Traditional advisors might rely heavily on paper documents and face-to-face meetings. This can be inconvenient and time-consuming.

We leverage technology to provide user-friendly tools and online resources. You can track your progress, access educational materials, and connect with your adviser virtually, all on your own schedule.

+ Building a Support Network: Financial planning can feel isolating. Traditional advisers might not offer a sense of community. Fox & Hare is Different. We foster a supportive community for young people on the path to financial freedom. You can connect with like-minded peers and share experiences, creating a network of support.

If you’re a young professional looking for a financial adviser who speaks your language, understands your challenges, and offers ongoing guidance at an accessible price, Fox & Hare is here for you!

Hit the yellow ‘Let’s Chat’ button below and find out how we can help you achieve your financial goals.

I've seen advisers online who offer courses for a couple of hundred dollars. Why should I choose Fox & Hare over them?

While cheaper online resources can be a great starting point, there’s a big difference between generic advice and a fully personalised, fully implemented financial financial strategy with ongoing accountability, reviews and support. Here’s why Fox & Hare’s personal financial advice sets you up for success:

Tailored to Your Unique Needs: General online advice is often one-size-fits-all. It might not consider your specific financial situation, goals, risk tolerance, or age group (especially important for young Australians). Online advisers provide a one off course with minimal support and no implementation. Our advisors work with you to understand your unique circumstances and develop a personalised plan that aligns with your dreams and aspirations.

Beyond the Basics: Online resources can offer general information, but they may not address your specific questions or concerns. Fox & Hare is Different. Our advisors are experts who can answer your questions as they arise, in plain English, simplifying complex financial concepts, address your unique challenges and setting you up for long term success.

Actionable Strategies: Online advisers are often working with hundreds of others in compressed, short courses. What happens when you’re feeling overwhelmed with information or unsure of the next steps? It’s unlikely the can offer the degree of support you need. Fox & Hare don’t just give you advice, we help you implement it. Your advisor will create a roadmap with actionable steps to achieve your financial goals and help keep you accountable to them long term.

Ongoing Support: The financial landscape can change, and your goals may evolve. Online advisers cannot adapt to your changing circumstances. We offer ongoing support. Your advisor will be by your side, adjusting your plan as needed and answering your questions along the way. A twelve week course simply can not provide this level of support.

Accountability Partner: Sticking to a financial plan can be tough and mass produced online advice courses can not hold you accountable. Fox & Hare is different. Your adviser and their team will act as your accountability partner, motivating you to stay on track and celebrate your successes.

Investing in your financial future is a smart decision. While general online courses and other resources can be helpful, personalised advice from Fox & Hare offers a clear roadmap, ongoing support, and an advisor who understands your unique journey. There is just no comparison when it comes to the level of support you will receive.

Hit the yellow ‘Let’s Chat’ button below to schedule a free consultation and see how we can help you achieve your financial goals!

How do I know when I am ready to see a financial adviser?

Managing finances can be a challenge, especially in the earlier stages of life, when decisions can have far reaching consequences. Here at Fox & Hare, we understand that reaching your financial goals can feel overwhelming. A financial advisor can be a valuable partner, helping you navigate financial complexities and achieve your goals.

Wondering if it’s time to seek professional financial advice? Here are some signs that a Fox & Hare advisor can help:

+ Feeling Lost in Financial Planning: If you struggle to create a budget, prioritise savings goals, or understand investment options, we can provide clear guidance and a personalised roadmap toward your financial goals.

+ Debt Management Challenges: If you feel burdened by HECS, credit card debt, or other financial obligations we can develop a strategy to manage your debt and free up your cash flow.

+ Uncertainty About Life Milestones: Approaching major life events like marriage, starting a family, and buying a home can be an incredibly daunting experience. We can adjust your financial plan to accommodate these exciting changes and give you the peace of mind to be present and enjoy them – not worrying about money.

+ Investment Confusion: The number and variety of investment options is confusing, frustrating and daunting. If you’re unsure about the best approach we will assess your risk profile and recommend suitable investments aligned with your long-term goals.

+ Retirement Planning Concerns: Are you worried about having enough saved for a comfortable retirement? Or do you want to retire early? We can help you understand your superannuation options and develop a retirement plan that provides peace of mind.

Don’t let financial uncertainty hold you back. Hit the yellow ‘Let’s Chat’ button below to connect with Fox & Hare’s Member Success Manager, Will. He’ll set some time aside to discuss your unique situation and explore how our services can help you achieve your financial goals. There’s no obligation, just a valuable opportunity to gain insights in whether we’re a fit.